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How to Improve User Ratings on App Stores

A positive user opinion plays a major role in purchasing decisions of people, be it movies restaurants games or apps. Essential ingredient for ASO (App store optimization) is a positive user sentiment. It directly influences app’s visibility and search results in app stores, aka app ranking. App rating in turn will have a bearing on how many users download the app or game. Before downloading an app, 90% of the visitors take into account its rating and reviews in PlayStore.

A positive user opinion plays a major role in purchasing decisions of people, be it movies restaurants games or apps. Essential ingredient for ASO (App store optimization) is a positive user sentiment. It directly influences app’s visibility and search results in app stores, aka app ranking. App rating in turn will have a bearing on how many users download the app or game. Before downloading an app, 90% of the visitors take into account its rating and reviews in PlayStore.

How app rating impacts?

A higher average app rating is a key indicator and aspect of any app’s success. With millions of apps in the stores today, users are spoilt for choice and convincing them about a particular app is an uphill task. One will need a lot of positive reviews to give the much-needed boost to the app.

You must remember that a product cannot and will not always have only positive user rating/reviews. Users vary and so does their ratings and reviews. They may be disappointing, confusing or both for app developers. So here is how to improve your rating on app store.

Good reviews also allows your app to be in the top during a PlayStore search. It is quite understandable why the AppStore search result takes reviews into account. It means when you are loosing positive review in turn you are loosing new AppStore audience too.

Develop an outstanding product and improvise.

First and foremost is develop an app which is clear and appeals to the fundamental values of the user or maybe solves a need. Successful apps appeal to the core values. For e.g. Through Skype people can video chat, Google Maps help in getting to places faster by suggesting fastest routes, Facebook helps in connecting with friends and distant family members. Additionally, for positive ratings to flow the app must function well. Constant updates and working on improving user experience is mandatory for this.

User ratings and reviews should be used as a trigger to improvising the app. Debugging the app is of utmost importance as bugs spoil the user experience. Sometimes these reviews lead to new ideas for future roadmap. Empathising with the user is necessary as excellent customer support can change a negative rating into a positive one.

Seek feedback — be proactive, not annoying

App users usually will not leave a review on their own accord, and the people who do write are the ones who have had a bad experience with your app. Hence the quickest and easiest way to get your app review is to simply ask. By asking one is assured that negative rating stay away from the product page.

Many developers err big time by bombarding the users with pop-up requesting rating each time they sign into the app or game. This can be quite annoying, leading to the user rating badly. The key is asking the right person at the right time. One should ask for feedback from the most engaged and happiest user.

Ask for app rating at opportune time.

Asking for rating/reviews too soon is a common mistake which most app developers make. For many, time is needed, to fully understand and navigate through the app before they start using/enjoying it.

Asking any time before this will only lead to negative feedback. Timing is crucial, like you can ask for reviews/rating when a user has successfully completed a particular level or unlocked a new feature or just achieved their personal best. The time when they are riding on a wave of success about using the app or game, is the right time to ask for review/rating.

Having a app rating system in place helps you to reduce negetive reviews, capture user feedback and improve overall app ratings.

Showcase the benefit of their ratings

Everyone likes to feel important and be part of something big. Make the app users feel important and helpful by showing them how their rating and reviews are helping you achieve the bigger picture. Show them how their reviews have been helpful in improving content, new levels, functionalities or product as a whole.

Use incentives for app review.

In order to zing up app review numbers one needs to think beyond displaying app review pop ups. One must try and engage the users to leave a feedback by incentivizing them. For example, users can be rewarded with a booty of in-app currency or goods, discount or any other special content.

Social media as a medium to get feedback.

Social media communities are by far the most powerful these days. This power can be leveraged if there is a strong community built around the app, to increase the number of installs thereby rating of the app. Also, existing fans can be asked to rate the app. Users can be asked to rate and review the app through social media accounts. Smart developers create a path for social media sharing and garner most through word of mouth marketing.

Some Final thoughts about User Rating and appstore ranking

The harsh reality is that user ratings matter a lot. Poor ratings not only damage AppStore rankings but also have a bearing on the overall visibility of the app, which means less user conversions because of poor ratings. On the other hand, a high average rating, will ensure better search rankings, increased visibility on the stores, more downloads and better revenues.

A good time to start thinking about getting user reviews is… yesterday. At the moment of launch of an app, you can already ask friends and family to rate your app so you get a head start at launch. But you should never stop working on ratings moreover, because there are relatively easy ways to take care of it.


Authored byRanit Sanyal